Speech Communications: Section 49
Persuasive Speech Outline
Why Every College Student Should Exercise
1. Hello everyone, my name is Liz Nordstrom and today I have come to speak with you all about how important it is to not only be physically active, but to take care of your body by also eating healthy. There are many benefits that come from working out for a short period of time each day. A lot of these benefits are physical and mental, however there are many that people tend to forget about, and I think that it is important for all of you to fully understand exactly how many different benefits come with treating your body the right way.
2. Before I begin, I want to give you all a quick background of me and my health in the past few years. When I was a junior in high school, I was very overweight. This became an issue for me because I started seeing that I wasn’t as happy as I normally was. I didn’t have any energy to do anything, I had no physical or mental drive to get up and make something out of my life, and I just physically felt unhealthy. Not only that but I was doing poorly in school. I had no idea that the reason I was so overweight and so upset with my life was that I treated my body incredibly poorly. And since I live on a farm, I was surrounded by people who were all fit and I was the outcast. Finally I had enough and the second I got my license I went out, joined a gym, and decided to stop feeling sorry for myself and change the way I lived my life.
1. I know that this speech is going to sound as if I am trying to preach to you, and I remember how annoyed I used to get when people did that to me, so I am going to say now that this is not me preaching to you, but these are simply the facts.
2. According to Health Magazine, spending an hour working out just a few times a week can do all of the following:
a. Reduce stress
b. Boost “Happy Chemicals” by releasing endorphins that create the feeling of happiness