When you drive down to Denver or explore New York City, you'll find homeless people anywhere. In some places you can go to homeless shelters and you can find people who take it up of the goodness of their heart to help those who need it, such as the homeless. Most people do it just to make others happy. They have jobs of giving them clothes to wear, some nights a place to stay, or even the simplest thing as a meal to eat. It's an amazing experience to see those people who have many things they could be doing but instead they are helping others on their off time. I love seeing the smiles that come across everyone's faces and sometimes the tears of happiness that some people shed. Taking a picture of those moments never gives the true justice of what those moments hold. I believe that if people looked at how much help these people give to those who need it, they would become involved as well. …show more content…
Money isn't always easy to get and neither are jobs. It's hard to find a well paid job that can support you or even your family if you have one. If more people came and listened to the stories that some people live, they would want to help out more and could help make this economy better. You don't have to hand out money to every homeless person you see, it could start by something simple such as a meal or a jacket. The people who have given to those in need and listen have made an impact on anyone's life that they have made an effort to help. You don't have to give away many things, you could just give them your time and they would be grateful. Homeless people don't ask for much, just someone to listen to what they have to say and they would be beyond happy with your