I waited on the side as Michael the first speaker spoke on. I was the next speaker and was called to the side to prompt Michael to start to end the presentation.
Michael sat at the end of a large rectangular table, with his hands holding a piece of paper and eyes on his notes. Around the table were colleagues from another department.
Michael had just finished a Powerpoint presentation of 30 slides and spoke quickly about his program, for more than 40 minutes now.
I looked around at his audience and wondered how much was going to be retained and what had been most important in this presentation. What from this presentation would make a difference tomorrow.
I determined then and there to give a different presentation.
This is what I did:
What I did
Why I did it
I stood up.
To the dismay of everyone, andespecially Michael – a real surprise ! “Don’t you want aseat?” asked Michael.
You should have seen the lookon their faces.
By standing, I:
Immediately established that I was going to be different after a long“static” presentation.
Gave them an opportunity to shift in their chairs, to lighten up and to lookforward to my Message.
Commanded the space (and you do not need much).
Drew attention, and
Created focus on me and theMessage.
Enabled the use of body language through positioning, use of gestures and facial expressions.
I was interested in building relationships.
I used eye contact
By standing, I was easily ableto look everyone in the eye to create relationships and a true sense ofspeaking to individuals as much as the group.
I was brief
I respected their time.
A short presentation in