Imagine yourself in about 50 to 60 years from today. You’re no longer the youthful person that you once were, and you can’t move around as easily either. Long gone are the days that you’ve been able to enjoy your favorite sports, pastimes and hobbies. You can’t even drive. To hopefully care for you better, your family decides to place you into an assisted living program, or have a caretaker assist you in your home. While this may work out for some, there are several cases where the lives of these elderly are in danger.
Today, I’d like to speak about the dangers of assisted living and elderly abuse cases.
There are about 750,000 cases of abuse in later life and neglect reported each year by city officials. The unfortunate …show more content…
There is a large sum of information detailing the different kinds of abuse elderly folks are subject to, collected over the past few years.
About 3 million people either live in assisted living facilities or short term homes
65% of residents within assisted living facilities, or under the care of a third party, suffer from Alzheimer’s syndrome
50% of residents have suffered from some type of abuse, or have been mistreated and handled roughly
As I mentioned earlier, 25% of these cases were not reported to the proper officials
The staff interviewed within these case studies claim that the abuse is due to insufficient staff or lack of available hands
However, lack of available caretakers is not an excuse for why seniors are subject to this kind of treatment
TRANSITION: Elderly people are often taken advantage of, and nursing homes along with assisted living facilities have turned what that’s supposed to put your family into a safe environment into an industry
Assisted living facilities are designed to make money.
Plain and simple.
While there are individuals who truly do care about the health of those that are in their hands, assisted living facilities hire caretakers at the lowest possible …show more content…
With enough people, a movement can be sparked, and attention from the government would be drawn.
According to an article published in 2007 by the American Association of Retired People’s magazine, a plan was proposed for “guardianship monitoring”, which covers all situations the American justice system can take after a counsel has been appointed for an adult.
This would allow the population to better monitor their government officials, to prevent less and less of those in power from utilizing their advantages in a way that would hurt the common peoples.
TRANSITION: If the system doesn’t work for the seniors, then it is up to us, the people to make it work.
These are but some of the different kinds of situations that befall older people within our communities, and a few of their solutions.
If you care about people as I do, and not just concern for those immediately around you, then I urge you to take a harder look at the issues that go unseen.
Take a deeper look at the issue, the stats, and the things we can do as, not as college students, but as decent human