Obama Care will help the economy. And like most of his ideas it requires more spending and a bigger wage for the federal government. As most hardworking
Americans know the government does like to take its eye off the financial difficulties of the middle class. But in reality the most devastating impact on the economy is the future existence of Obama Care.
When Obama care is put into use this will require every American to have health insurance.
And if not …show more content…
Obama has given more welfare, social security, and food stamps than any president in US history which is payed for by taxpayers. You might ask why would the
President give so many people free money? The answer is simple, he’s giving away money to the minorities so in return they will support the Obama Administration.
When Obama was running for president in 2008, he made more promises than any of the candidates. He spoke of “change” and used words like “we can.”All his claims of how America will “ring out across this land as a hymn that will heal this nation, repair this world, make this time different than all the rest” are now in a tarnished state of inertia. The man that spoke of hope and change is now responsible for hypocrisy, and fraud to say the least. Obama’s actions have added a 100.6% percent increase in gas. The number of food stamp recipients has risen by a whopping 35.1% American citizens living in poverty has risen to 9.5 percent. The number of unemployed blacks has risen from 12.6% at the end of
George Bush’s term to 15.8%. and finally, our national debt is up by 34.4% from 10.6