General Purpose: To inform.
Specific Purpose: To inform the audience about my life.
Central Idea/Thesis Statement: If children are taught about environmental issues and how to live a greener life when they are young, they will become more involved in saving the planet as they get older.
I. Question: “Has anyone ever had an environmental class in elementary school?”
II. My proposal is that we educate our youth about environmental issues early on and continue to do so throughout their entire schooling. I believe that if kids start learning about the environment and the troubles surrounding it at an early age that they will become more interested and concerned as they get older. They will …show more content…
The speaker would talk to the students about things such as resource consumption, water pollution, dumping, and several other environmental issues.
1. Some of these monthly sessions may include fieldtrips where the kids can have a hands-on experience with what is going on with the Earth and what we are doing to it.
2. This program would also require high schools to change their curriculum so that everyone must take one environmental class before graduating.
II. The positive effects of environmental education in elementary schools
A. Kids will learn early on about environmental issues and ways to live an environmentally friendly life.
1.They will know more about the depletion of natural resources and pollution so they will be more likely to get involved with preventing it.
2. By learning about recycling and reducing energy consumption, the students will develop good habits that will help reduce the damage we do to the Earth each year.
B. The school program would get the communities to start thinking green.
1. Students would go home and tell their parents what they learned about. a. They would inform them about things such as: the importance of recycling, ways to conserve energy, the depletion of fish, and clear