We have arrived at the time of the year with many traditions: December. For decades, we have celebrated Christmas with our family and in church. We think about the poor and care about others, just for once. We celebrate New Year’s Eve with friends and food, and we spend huge amounts of money on fireworks. All of these traditions are, of course, great. But don’t you think we need to change some of our traditions? We have been celebrating events in the same way for decades, so we definitely need to make some important changes.
Tradition seems the opposite of change, but this is definitely not true. Traditions have changed over years, or do you think we have had Christmas trees since the beginning of celebrating Christmas? People started celebrating the birth of Jesus around 200 A.D., but only in the beginning of the nineteenth century, people started placing Christmas trees in their houses. Why can’t we change traditions if they have been changing for centuries?
In the past, people have - consciously or not – started traditions. We are still celebrating some of them, but definitely not all. Traditions can not only change, they can also disappear. For example, many people fasted in the past. The catholic church ordered that people had to fast between carnival and Easter. Nowadays, almost no one fasts anymore in this period. Also the tradition of sending Christmas cards has changed. In the past, people sent a lot of Christmas cards, but with the new technology of the present, this is not necessary. People send each other an e-mail, a message via Facebook or a text message. Even if you want to send a real Christmas card, you can order this online. As you can see, traditions change. In the future, many other traditions will have changed too, whether we do something about it or not. So, why don’t we start changing now, if traditions will change anyway?
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