For years indigenous Australian’s have been pointing the finger and blaming white Australians for stealing their family members and loved ones to “keep White Australia pure.” Indigenous Australians claim that between 1910 and 1970 as many as 100, 000 aboriginal children were stolen …show more content…
He did what no prime minister before him would do. He ignored the fact that there was no evidence about the ‘stolen’ generation, hoping that a bit of well-meaning humbuggery would let us all ‘move on’.
Kevin Rudd ignored that fact that, Professor Robert Manne, ‘Stolen Generation’ author and Brian Butler, Stolen Generations Alliance spokesman, couldn’t even name 10 of the 100, 000 children that have claimed to have been ‘stolen’. Stolen not because we wanted to save children in trouble, but because we wanted to “keep White Australia pure.”
As Prime Minister of Australia, Kevin Rudd has a duty to tell the truth. Honesty is always the best policy. Lying, just to make someone feel better isn’t the correct thing to do. The truth hurts, I know that, but in the long run it is better for everyone. The lies that Kevin Rudd told. His untruthful sorry speech. This didn’t help the Aboriginal children of today. These lies hurt them even more. We read almost monthly of Aboriginal Children who are bashed, raped or killed because social workers and magistrates are too scared by the ‘stolen generation’ claims to ‘steal’