Main body paragraph: Should be between 2-3 main body paragraphs Open and ending sentence of each paragraph should remind readers of your opinion. E.g. Opening sentence of first paragraph: Dedication is the key to success . . . Last sentence of paragraph: As such, if can be seen that dedication does in fact influence an individuals’ success.
Good words to use: Likewise, Similarly, In addition, In contrast, On the other hand, *As such, *Therefore, *Hence,* Thus, Describe, Demonstrates, Portray, Depict, Shows, Essential, Imperative, Pivotal, Important, Quintessential, Evidence and Highlights.
The ones that start with a * are good to start final sentences of each sentence. DON’TS
*Do not write shortcuts; don’t, won’t, can’t, wouldn’t, shouldn’t, couldn’t . . . take the effort to write the full from in formal essays.
*Do not write numbers in the # form, write the English version, the only time where you can write numbers is DATES.
*Do not write: YOU, YOUR, SO, I . . . Keep in third form/person i.e. an individual’s responsibility, a person’s evidence.
*Write words properly: A lot, too (not two or to).
*Do not write firstly, secondly, thirdly, fourthly EVER!!!
REMEMBER: The most important part of an essay is the introduction and conclusion. This means that they should be the best part of your writing. Never and I mean never, give background information in the introduction. For example if a topic was about school bullying, get straight to the point and argue your point instead of