PESTLE analysis template
Other than the main headings, the questions and issues in the template below are examples and not exhaustive - add your own and amend these prompts to suit your situation, the experience and skill level of whoever is completing the analysis, and what you aim to produce from the analysis.
The context upon which a PESTLE analysis is undertaken can help to determine how to interpret facts and information discovered.
|PEST/ PESTLE Analysis on ____________________(organization name) SWOT |
|SWOT Context ____________________ SWOT |
|Date of Analysis ____________ view |
|PESTLE Analysis factors |Your notes |Potential Impact: |Implication and importance |
|The list below is just to get you started. Remember to put |About your |H - High |Time Frame: |Type: |Impact: |Relative Importance:|
|these, and others that you add in the context of your |organization. |M - Medium |0 - 6 months |Positive + |Increasing > |Critical |
|organization or business. |How might the factors|L - Low |6 - 12 months|Negative - |Unchanged = |Important |
|For example if you are a small private company the |listed on the left |U - Undetermined |12 - 24 |Unknown |Decreasing < |Un-important |
|behaviours of a Wall Mart / Tesco or other large |impact your business |