|criteria examples |Political |Economical |criteria examples |
| |Antitrust law (Avoid communications with |Businesses are affected nationally and | |
|ecological/environmental |PPG competitors to the extent possible) |globally |home economy |
|current legislation |PPG is committed |Affect consumer confidence and behavior |economy trends |
|future legislation |to fair and open competition in markets |Impact upon the nature of the competition |overseas economies |
|international legislation |throughout the world |faced by the business. |general taxation |
|regulatory bodies and |Anti-corruption(PPG prohibits bribery and |Affect the purchasing power of potential |taxation specific to |
|processes |corruption in all of its business dealings |customers. |product/services |
|government policies |in every country) PPG’s Gifts Policy and | |seasonality issues |
|government term and change |Meals, Entertainment and Travel Policy |Economic growth |market/trade cycles |
|trading policies | |• Interest rates(Afford the shareholders a |specific industry factors |
|funding, grants and | |superior return on investment) |market routes trends |
|initiatives | |• Inflation rate |distribution trends |
|home market pressure-