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Business PESTEL Analysis & Porter’s five forces – ALDI
1.0 INDUSTRY ANALYSIS: PESTEL FRAMEWORK 1.1 Political Factors Aldi, short for “Albrecht Discount”, operating in a globalized environment with stores all around the UK. It is a German multinational headquartered in Essen (reference). Hence Aldi’s performance is highly influenced by the political and legislative conditions of these countries, including the European Union (EU). Political situation in UK is stable. Her Majesty’s Government, led by Prime Minister, David Cameron, from the Conservative Party is mainly concerned about the financial crisis affecting economies all over the world and to strengthen the economic position of UK globally(**ref**). For employment legislations, the government encourages retailers to provide a mix of job opportunities from flexible, lower-paid and locally-based jobs to highly-skilled, higher-paid and centrally-located jobs (Balchin, 1994). Also to meet the demand from population categories such as students, working parents and senior citizens. Aldi understands that retailing has a great impact on jobs and people factors (new store developments are often seen as destroying other jobs in the retail sector as traditional stores go out of business or are forced to cut costs to compete), being an inherently local and labour-intensive sector. Aldi employs large numbers of; student, disabled and elderly workers, often paying them lower rates. In an industry with a typically high staff turnover, these workers offer a higher level of loyalty and therefore represent desirable employees. 1.2 Economical Factors UK’s economy is strong and have been able to avoid recession in 2008, but there are high unemployment and uncertainty in the economic conditions. UK’s economy will grow 0.2 % in 2012 and 2 % in 2013 said CBI Director-General John Cridland (Hamilton, 2012). GDP down to -0.4 %