Agriculture is the keystone of the Indian economy. Ensuring food security for more than1 billion Indian populations with diminishing cultivable land resource is a herculean task. This necessitates use of high yielding variety of seeds, balance use of fertilizers, judicious use of quality pesticides along with education to farmers and the use of modern farming techniques. It is estimated that India approximately loses 18 percent of the crop yield valued at Rs.900 billion due to pest attack each year. The use of pesticides help to reduce the crop losses, provide economic benefits to farmers, reduce soil erosion and helping ensuring food safety & security for the nation. The Pesticide Management Bill 2008 defines “Pesticide” as, “Any substance or mixture of substances of chemical or biological origin intended for preventing, destroying, attracting, repelling, mitigating or controlling any pest including unwanted species of plants or animal feeds.”
Pesticides Industry: Global Perspective
The world pesticide industry is dominated by nine multinational basic producers from the United States and Western Europe; they account for nearly one-half of the total output. Monsanto, Bayer, DuPont, Dow agro science, BASF, in the top ten is AgrEvo, a joint venture of Hoechst and Schering. Producers in the second tier (annual sales below $1billion) include Sumitomo, Sandoz, FMC, and Rohm & Haas. Expenditures on herbicides accounted for the largest portion of total expenditures –more than 40%, followed by expenditures on insecticides, fungicides and other pesticides respectively.
Pesticides Industry: India
India is one of the most dynamic generic pesticide manufacturers in the world with more than 60 technical grade pesticides being manufactured indigenously by 125 producers consisting of large and medium scale enterprises (including about 10 multinational companies) and more than 500 pesticide formulators spread over the country. The Indian pesticide industry is ranked