Political Factors
If we want to analyse the political factors which impact upon the company we need to make a general view of the situation in the country. What are its law and requirements?
Waitrose is a company which employees a lot of people and they are affected of the Employment Law. They are not paying less than the minimum wage and all of their workers are with immaculate labour contracts. There is a range of shift patterns which are in accordance with the Working Time Regulations for the people how want to work there. Overtime work is paid as well.
Waitrose`s workers are with fully employment rights. They are working in safety and healthy environment. All of the stores are fire safety and secure as the law requires. http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/law.pdf accessed 20/03/2011
Health and safety laws in the case of the food are also very important in the supermarket sector. All stock has to meet health and safety standards. It is required for all of the articles to have print with the date of production and `best before` date.
`Food hygiene legislation is closely related to the legislation on the general requirements and principles of food law` and it is the company`s priority. http://www.food.gov.uk/foodindustry/regulation/foodlaw/ accessed 19/03/2011
`The legislation lays down the food hygiene rules for all food businesses, applying effective and proportionate controls throughout the food chain, from primary production to sale or supply to the food consumer.` http://www.food.gov.uk/foodindustry/regulation/hygleg/hygleginfo/foodhygknow/ accessed 19/03/2011
When we are talking about the political factors which have influence upon the supermarket industry we need to know if the country in that case England is involved in trading agreements such as EU, FTA, NAFTA or others. It is important because the trade pact effects on the taxation. For example articles as Alcohol and Tabaco are priced by the help of the formula duty plus