Besides bad breath being uncomfortable and unpleasant it is equally embarrassing and awkward. To illustrate, people tend to repel from individuals with fowl orders emanating from their mouth, not wanting to smell the offensive odor. As a result, this leaves the individual feeling dejected and humiliated. Additionally, bad breath reduces the ability to taste food and irritates the gums.…
1. Review all documents in the Anna Garcia tab of your PBS Course File and information on the classroom evidence board. With a partner, compile all of the possible causes of death you listed on the autopsy reports. List these possible causes in your laboratory journal.…
chewing, which can make chewing less efficient and cause premature wear of the back teeth.…
You make small amounts of saliva all the time to keep your mouth moist. When you eat, you normally make much more saliva which pours into your mouth.…
1-3-. Physical discomfort - The person may be having problems with badly fitting dentures, sore gums or painful teeth, all of which will make eating uncomfortable.…
According to ( ) swallowing problems can make an individual at risk for chocking which can be life threatening. The dining companion must watch the signs and tell the nurse in charge if the swallowing difficulties is suspected when physically assisting the patient. Fundamental practices before feeding should be fulfilled like appropriate positioning, ensuring the correct texture of foods and liquids, putting in dentures, use of red trays which identifies patients who needs assistance with feeding, information leaflets and best practice guidelines in order to identify the needs and maintain the dignity of patient while feeding encouraging independence. (Brown H, Jones L…
Clean your tongue at least once a day to keep bacteria that causes bad breath away from your mouth…
“A mouth is a part of the body where people use mechanical digestion and use their teeth to break down their food. With the help of saliva produced by the salivary glands, which produce enzymes, food is able to be broken down further. This is also the place where ingestion takes place”…
The teeth are used to physically break down food material before it is swallowed. The churning of food in the stomach then continues the mechanical breakdown process.…
* Physical discomfort- the person may be having problems with badly fitting dentures, sore gums or painful teeth, all of which will make eating uncomfortable.…
When you have a furrowed tongue, you’ll notice that there are many deep grooves or cracks along the surface. The grooves are what make it possible for bacteria and food to become stuck in the surface, which is the cause of bad breath. Having bacteria and food trapped in your tongue can also cause irritation, which causes a burning sensation or swelling. In some cases, you may not even know that your tongue is furrowed until it is pointed out by a…
Secondly become a slob yourself by leaving everything of yours laying around and not picking up after yourself after you cook. A couple of ways you are able to become a slob is by leaving your dishes with food still on them out. Leaving a pile of hair from your hair brush in the bathroom. Letting them know what you are doing at all times from the mess you leave behind you. When they try to talk to you about trying to pick up after yourself, reply that you are way too busy to pick up and continue on what you were doing.…
Chewing: A puppy will chew as they explore the world and help with teething just like a child, as a puppy turns into an adult they may still do this if they weren’t taught not to as a puppy. Reasons being fear, boredom, attention…
Pretending to eat or lying about eating – Hiding, playing with, or throwing away food to avoid eating. Making excuses to get out of meals (“I had a huge lunch” or “My stomach isn’t feeling good.”).…
The mouth (teeth, tongue, hard palate, soft palate, tonsils) which is called oral cavity, is the first part of digestive system. The tongue, teeth, hard palate and soft palate helps to mix and to reduce size of food put into the mouth. The parotid glands, the sublingual and the submaxillary grans secret saliva to help the process of chewing food. Saliva contain salivary amylase enzyme responsible for breaking down sugars and starches. The epiglottis prevents food from entering the larynx-at the upper-part of the respiratory system. The tongue helps also to swallow the food.…