I. (Attention Getter): Story about compulsive liars.
II. (Thesis or specific purpose): I want to inform you about my pet peeve which is people who compulsively lie
III. (Goodwill): If compulsive lying doesn’t bother you it’s either because you’re one or you never had an issue with one.
IV. (Credibility): I played for a coach who would promise every single girl on his team the same exact things, or tell the other girl the complete opposite when asked the same question.
V. (Preview or Central Idea): I will tell you why I hate it, and why I think you should avoid liars.
(First, let me explain my pet peeve)
I. My pet peeve is the behavior of people that are compulsive liars.
A. People who lie compulsively think they won’t get caught.
1. They can’t lie to everyone about the same thing but tell the story differently.
2. Sometimes they forget what they have said exactly to the last person.
a) They make up the lie as they go on in their story
b) They might want to sound like the victim or the hero depending on the person they are explaining their lie to
c) They leave certain parts out
B. There are too many compulsive liars in this world.
1. You can easily loose friends
2. No matter who it affects or what problems they cause they don’t seem to really care
(This leads to my next point of why I hate this behavior so much)
II. There are a couple of reasons that I don’t like it
A. It’s annoying
1. You don’t know whether to believe them or not
a) It’s sad
b) They don’t receive trust form anyone no matter who it is
2. There’s nothing good that will come with a compulsive liar
B. It’s inconsiderate
1. They’re risking the chance of affecting someone’s life by possibly hurting their feelings over something that’s not true.
a) They need to think of others feeling other than their own
b) They are not affecting their own life but the others that they may involve in there lie
2. If you can’t take the blame and not tell