Throughout the course you have investigated the life and death of Anna Garcia. You have learned basic biology and medicine by following Anna through her life. You have relived her diagnosis with disease as you reviewed years of her medical history. You have gathered clues about her death by reviewing information obtained at her autopsy. But the mystery remains. How did Anna Garcia die?
In this activity you will receive one final autopsy report and put together all you know to determine Anna’s cause of death. Think about the interventions or innovations that may have saved Anna that day. Reflect on the power of prevention in keeping the body well and safe from harm.
Computer with Internet access and Inspiration software
Laboratory journal
PBS Course File
Poster paper
Inspiration graphic organizer
Activity 6.1.2 Autopsy Report Resource Sheet
1. Review all documents in the Anna Garcia tab of your PBS Course File and information on the classroom evidence board. With a partner, compile all of the possible causes of death you listed on the autopsy reports. List these possible causes in your laboratory journal.
2. As a class, share out information and compile a list of possible causes of death on the classroom evidence board.
3. As a class, place a star next to the three possibilities that you believe are the most likely causes of death. Be prepared to share your reasoning with the class.
4. Obtain a 6.1.2 Autopsy Report Resource Sheet from your teacher. Review the latest findings and use the Internet (as well as all the information you have collected over the course) to determine Anna’s cause of death. Make sure to review all materials from the course.
5. Add the final cause of death to the 6.1.2 Autopsy report. Add a summary paragraph that explains how you came to this conclusion as well as any factors that contributed to her final demise.
6. Open Inspiration