Pet Peeve
An irritating experience caused by others in which one cannot control
Speaking for myself I have a very controlling issue that I am still working on until this day, so anything that is beyond my control irritates me highly.
My advice is never go into any relationship lying about yourself. Always give the other person the option of deciding rather if they want to know you for you.
Some people will say they’re pet peeve is hearing others smack while chewing food, others will say something like they’re pet peeve is the way someone else dresses without a theme. I say my pet peeve is someone taking away my options.
What I mean by taking away my options is please don’t lie to me. Give me a chance to decide rather if I want to deal with you and the baggage that comes alone with you.
I had a situation where this guy came into my life at a vulnerable time, keep in mind I just broke up with an ex of mine for cheating. So I explained to this guy ahead of time that I don’t like sharing so I don’t like married men. The guy told me he’s been divorced for 6 months at the time.
Not giving it a second thought to go and investigate the situation. I believed this guy. The guy and I actually became really close friends and 4 years later I have a drink with his mom at this comedy club and his mom drunkenly told me he’s still battling with his wife because she wouldn’t release his divorce papers. Although the guy was in fact really separated because he and his wife were in separate homes. I felt like he seen the opportunity to take advantage.
I was irritated because he took my options away. Instead of the approach with him saying “I’m separated and working on my divorce”. He gave me “I’ve been divorced for 6 months now”.
He didn’t give me a chance to decide rather if I wanted to deal with a separated situation, or continue to live my life without getting to know him for who he is.
Once again I say never go into any relationship lying about yourself. Always give the other person the option of deciding rather if they want to know you for you.
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