1. Review all documents in the Anna Garcia tab of your PBS Course File and information on the classroom evidence board. With a partner, compile all of the possible causes of death you listed on the autopsy reports. List these possible causes in your laboratory journal.…
Other rules will be teacher imposed such as punctuality, handing in assignments on time, turning off of mobile phones, one contributor at a time, confidentiality. Students could feel that the teacher is…
The classroom looks with a good environment, clean, nice paint color walls decorate with children projects, bright, and pleasing for the children can play and learn by playing. I observed “Dee” mom left waiving her hand and blowing kisses to “Dee” and he do it the same thing to his mom. I hear the teacher asking “Dee do you…
PER REPORTER: Cassandra said while at the zoo she touched Makella on her arm. She said her arm felt cutter. She asked her if Stephanie had shaved any other parts of her body, Makella said she shaved her we-we- Makella went to her father‘s house about two weeks ago whe the incident happened. Makella asked Stephanie to show her how to shave her legs.…
“Where it is known that students arrive at school at a certain time the responsibility of the school to provide adequate supervision for the students commences at that time.” (DETWA, 2007 P.11) The teacher’s actions in this scenario are a perfect example of providing reasonable care for the immediate and on-going safety of these students. The reminder of the student’s responsibility given by the teacher aims not to lecture, however to prevent future incidents from reoccurring. By having a designated area and supervising teacher the school already has put into place appropriate measures to provide care for students who arrive at school before the desired time. Sending students to the designated area, Mrs Witmer insures that they will be supervised and in turn decreases any possible risks from occurring. Noting students’ name allows the teaching staff to document how often certain students arrive early to school and take appropriate actions if the same issue keeps resurfacing, for example, call parents and arrange a meeting to discuss.…
those relating to misbehaver, can be dealt with and resolved according to law and school policy…
Have you ever seen or heard something that irritated you so bad you just wanted to scream? I'm sure we can all agree that there are certain things that aggravate us beyond belief.…
People that chew with their mouths open are people repellents. Nobody wants to be friends with the person chomping away at their meal. For as long as I can remember I've known at least one person I wanted to smack across the face because of their poor eating skills. Chewing with your mouth open also makes you look like you belong in a barn with animals.…
The students should also know what is acceptable in their behaviour and what’s not; this can be done through a class contract.…
Sometimes school forgets to think about the feelings of girls when they tell them that they are violating the dress code. The school administers has been rude about the dress code, and how they address the problem. Teachers has called out girls for their clothing, and they were rude instead of being polite by taking the girl aside and quietly talking to her (“Rosalind Classroom Conversation”). I don’t believe that the teachers are realizing they are being rude about telling the girls that they are violating a dress code, but before they say anything they should stop to think about the appropriate way to address the problem. When the school administrators call out girls for their dress code, the student who is being called out starts to feel…
One of the most distracting things about high school is definitely all of the public displays of affection. This is otherwise known as P.D.A. It’s in the hallways, classrooms, and even sometimes in the lunchroom! P.D.A is just plain disruptive and needs to be stopped.…
resisting arrest. how did it all start? if you trace the life of crime to its…
Have you ever walked down the hallways of our school and seen so momentous that all public displays of affection should be banned? As a student I walk through these halls every day and the gravest thing I have seen is a kiss that lasted a bit too long. That doesn’t seem enough to grant banning all forms of public displays of affection (PDA). I believe that it should not be banned. Hugging is not just a way to show affection, high school is supposed to get us ready for our life beyond BHHS, and finally PDA keeps people in line, no fights etc., and banning it would lead to student’s unhappiness and therefore our enthusiasm to work would diminish.…
intervention should be put in place to improve the students’ attitude to meet up with the…
Jay, T.B. (1996). What to Do When Your Students Talk Dirty. San Jose: Resource Publications, Inc.…