The political system in Vietnam is stable .The politics of Vietnam defined by a single party socialist republic work where the President is the head of state and Prime Minister is the head of Government.
Hospitality and Tourism in Vietnam is under controlled by Viet Nam Ministry of Culture , Sport and Tourism .
The Vietnamese government’s policies tend to promote the development of economy with open-door policies in attracting Foreign Direct Investment . Beside that ,the Tax policies ,employment laws are also adjusted to guarantee the benefits of country ,company and labors.
Hospitality and Tourism industries has good support from the government .they supporting by many ways in order to lead our Hospitality and Tourism Industries become biggest industries contribute to the economic and provide jobs for Vietnamese . The gorvement also development plans for Hospitality and Tourism Industries . there are national program better develop hotel management staff , service staff ,chef , tour guide , human resource, travel agent and other hospitality workers . at present ,apart from university , college , vocation training , private school ( ex. City Smart Hospitality Education ) which provide training in tourism under management of Ministry of Education and Training co-operate with MOCST
New immigration policies for ASEAN . The tourist from those country does not need to apply their visa . Political is the key to the success of any industries in general and hospitality and tourism in particular . the political approach can influence number of visitor ,tourist and business traveler to Vietnam
Vietnam has been recovering as a developing with large population after 38 years being influenced by of ravages of war The gorvement planned to implement the necessary structural reforms in order modernize the economy.
In Jan,2007 Vietnam joined the World Trade Organization ( WTO ) so