with Captain Hook and his pirate crew, growing up is the greatest adventure of all.
Wendy the Story Teller
Wendy Darling is the older sister of her two brothers in the movie. The opening scene of the movie introduces the boys playing pirates and Wendy is picking up after them and watching them closely. She straight-out demonstrates the “mother-in-training” aspect in the first 5 minutes of the movie. Though as soon as the father comes in complaining about finding his cufflinks he gets upset with them and states “Wendy, this will be your last night staying in the nursery…it is time for you to grow up!” There was a shock and awe felt around the room from hearing those words. The boys cried out, “But who’s going to tell us stories now?!” Wendy was upset at the fact at what the father said but there was nothing to be done about it. It left off leaving them confused and upset on why she had to leave and grow up. It can be as though as she accepts the fact that it will be her last night in the nursery, and shows that she can think more logically than her younger brothers. Piaget calls this the Concrete Operational Stage, which is the ability to actively and appropriately use logic.