* Service was to begin to subscribers February 1, then April 1 * New to cellular industry * No VP of Ops so Peterson reports to Jenkins in his eyes (president and founder) but verbiage said “Jenks would pay close attention). Peterson actually reported to Jeff Hardy (D of Budgets and Plans). Peterson should have clarified reporting structure initially. Peterson didn’t respect Hardy due to never ran operating systems and young experience. * GMCT was in pre-operating stage with 21 cells with 16 operational when system turned on. Remaining 5 would be added during 1st 8 months of operation to expand coverage
1. What problems are facing Erik Peterson
* Initial reporting structure of Jenkins versus Hardy * Initial construction of cellular towers (subcontracted) was several weeks behind and they only had 3 weeks until turn on date. Peterson termed relationship and got new subcontractor. * Chief engineer Curt Andrews wasn’t planning or organizing necessary to assure equipment and supplies arrived when needed. (personnel problem) * Curt was respected and worked his way up but Peterson realized that Curt didn’t have admin ability or knowledge to start up new operation. Neither had experience in this industry. Peterson felt that Curt didn’t trust him so Curt resisted change and direction * 1on1 sessions for planning to assist with Curt * Weekly meetings directed by Peterson (should have got buy in from Curt because he wasn’t actively involved) * Peterson established an inventory control reporting system but Curt resisted * Problem was the lack of trust between Curt to Peterson yet Peterson not holding Curt accountable. Soft approach with coaching but when do you reprimand? Hardy didn’t agree to the “suggestion” to transfer Curt. * Curt had problems with Melissa Miczek (Petersons secretary) and with Todd Jones (Radio engineer sup) * Trevor (CS sup)