II. What is petroleum? 3-4
III. Source Rock: 4-7
a. Formation of Petroleum in the Source Rocks
b. Types of source rocks
c. Migration of petroleum
4. Reservoir: 7-11 1. Formation of the Reservoir 2. Types of Reservoir 3. Its main properties 4. The relation between reservoir and the other
Components of the petroleum system
5. Trap 11-16 1. The Definition of Trap and How the Trap Works 2. The Distribution of Petroleum in Trap 3. Structural Trap 4. Stratigraphic Trap
6. An Example of a Complete Petroleum System 16-20
VII. Recommendation and Conclusion 20-21
VIII. References 22-23
I. Introduction
This paper covers a very interesting topic for people who are keen on the geological concepts to the discovery of petroleum. The subject matter itself covers research findings on how related areas in petroleum discovery can be appreciated by students in this particular field; more so, by ordinary people who may or may not have a deeper level of understanding and appreciation about the wealth of the earth, particularly on petroleum.
The work required of this paper is not easy. It takes a lot of patience in finding the right mix of materials that would produce the kind of output the student wants to find out and to prove his thoughts about the subject matter. Considering that the subject
References: Petroleum Geology. (2003). McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms. McGraw Hill Professional, [Online] Available at http://www.answers.com/topic/petroleum-geology-2 Source Rock. (2007). Oilfield Glossary, Schlumberger Limited, [ Online] Available at http://www.glossary.oilfield.slb.com/Display.cfm?Term=source+rock Source Rocks as Reservoir. (2005). Humble Instruments and Services, Inc., [Online] Available at http://www.humble-inc.com/SourceRocks.htm Russell, William L. (1955). Structural Geology for Petroleum Geologists. Publisher: McGraw-Hill. Place of Publication: New York. Publication Year: 1955, p. 360-371 Strata. (2007). Encyclopedia of Creation Science, [Online] Available at http://creationwiki.org/Strata McBride, Barry C. and Rowan, Mark G. (1999). The Effect of Allochthonous Salt on the Petroleum Systems of Northern Green Canyon and Ewing Bank (Offshore Louisiana), Northern Gulf of Mexico. Search and Discovery Article #10003.