Embryonic Stem Cell Research Is Not Ethical. Dennis P. Hollinger. At Issue: The Ethics of Genetic Engineering. Ed. Maurya Siedler. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2005.…
Embryos are essentially microscopic human beings. Regardless of what good they may provide to the field of medicine, the ethical controversies surrounding embryonic stem cell research are profound. Stem cells, the cells used by the human body to replenish damaged tissue, are found in both embryonic and adult form. At the adult level, stem cells can be extracted from bone marrow, but the real ethical debate arises when embryonic stem cells are introduced. “Pluripotent” embryonic stem cells are among the only type that can form any of over 200 cell types, making it the most useful and versatile. These cells are isolated from the inner cell mass of the embryo when extracted, and subsequently terminates the embryo itself, which is technically manslaughter. However, it must also be noted that embryonic stem cell research can provide effective treatments and even cures for those in need of organ transplants and other irremediable predicaments. Therefore, it is safe to say, from a utilitarian perspective, that the essential “death” of one embryo can save the lives of many, and with Jeremy Bentham’s phrase “the greatest good for the greatest number”; I believe that embryonic stem cell research is ethical.…
James Gallagher, a health editor for BBC News which is ranked as one of the most objective and credible U.S news sources, constructed an article called “Designer babies' debate should start, scientists say” (January 15, 2015). Within this source, Gallagher claims that leading scientists have told BBC that based on the current progress in the understanding of genetics, society needs to be prepared to come to terms with the ethics that surround the concept. In order to provide foundation for his argument, Gallagher brings up questionably unethical scenarios relating to designer babies, and adds what some scientists that work closely with genetics have to say about the topic. For instance, Gallagher added the opinion of Dr. Tony Perry, a professor…
Doctors, researchers, patients and virtually anyone interested in the future of medicine are intrigued by the key role human embryonic stem cell research could have in curing well-known diseases such as cancer. As much as people are curious about how it could advance medicine in incredible ways, there remains the issue of whether finding a cure using human embryos is ethically sound. The answer to this question is heavily dependent on what status society should accord to the human embryo. Bonnie Steinbock’s “The science, policy, and ethics of stem cell research” is an article published on Reproductive BioMedicine Online that digs deep into this ongoing ethical conflict.…
Most of the controversy surrounding embryonic stem cell research stems from the idea that the destruction of human embryos is equivalent to killing a human being. While I do believe human life is sacred and should be protected at all costs, I also believe that if there’s a way to cure millions of people of disease then we should assess how we should go about doing that. To me, curing grandpa’s lung disease using four to five day old blastocysts seems like a reasonable option in comparison to letting him die and rendering the embryos utterly useless as they’ll sit in a freezer or be eventually thrown away. Right to Life Michigan argues that scientists shouldn’t use embryonic stem cell research because 90% of couples choose to use their embryos for future pregnancies (If They Say… You Say…). In reality, the government requires complete disclosure to the couple and their consent before scientists can do anything with their embryos (National Institutes of Health Guidelines on Human Stem Cell Research). The benefit of helping sick and ailing people is exponentially greater than letting embryonic stem cells sit and collect…
Clinicians are expected to provide medical services to help others. However, there is a debate about whether clinicians should treat friends and family, members also known as non-patients. “Treatment of non-patients is widespread, with some studies reporting nearly 100 percent of physicians engaging in this practice” (Latessa & Ray, 2005, p.42). A case was presented where a physician assistant (PA Brian) was asked to treat his supervising physician (Dr.Yarnell) for different medical conditions while prescribing multiple controlled substances. Legal standards provide vague ethical guidance regarding this issue and leave a lot of blank spaces open for clinician interpretation. In Dr.Yarnell and PA Brian’s case there were numerous ethical dilemmas that can be examined under the four ethical principles of medicine: beneficence, nonmaleficence, respect for autonomy, and justice.…
Within the text, the natural method of conception is genetic engineering unlike to what our society perceives to be natural. Genetic engineering leads to genetic selection from the parents who choose to eliminate any defects, diseases or genetic illnesses. Some parents may want to leave several genetic traits to chance rather then selecting the attributes of their son or daughter. To what extent is this process of conception morally right? If even morally right at all. Ethically speaking, genetic engineering in embryos should only be used in extreme circumstances. If the natural method of conception isn't possible in parents then I believe genetic engineering should be a last resort, but only enough genetic selection should take part to provide a healthy child not to give this child any foreseen advantages over other children.…
Fresh water is very important to the Middle East, whatever the form of it is. It helps to keep farm lands fertile. If the land in not "naturally" fertile, it helps so farmers may irrigate their crops. Rivers are one vital source of freshwater, along with rainfall, and ground water.…
Although human stem cell research has tremendous medical potential, some of our citizens and 2008 presidential candidates want to prohibit our best and brightest federally funded university scientists and physicians from working with human stem cells. They do so because of ethical concerns about the origins of these cells, which were derived from the earliest human stage embryos. Abortion opponents are attempting to ban stem cell research on the grounds that it is unethical. This is untrue. There is no reason to object to research conducted on a being that has no brain, consciousness, preferences of any kind, or capacity for suffering. To quote the religious, anti-abortion, yet still sensible, Republican Senator Orin Hatch from his letter to Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson, "In evaluating this issue, it is significant to point out that no member of the United States Supreme Court has ever taken the position that fetuses, let alone embryos, are constitutionally protected persons. As much as I oppose partial birth abortion, I simply cannot equate this offensive abortion practice with the act of disposing of a frozen embryo in the case where the embryo will never complete the journey toward…
In 2001, President George W. Bush cut funding for research on stem cell obtained from human embryos because it is technology that requires the destruction of human life "My position on this issue is shaped by deeply held beliefs. I also believe human life is a sacred gift from our creator" (Bush, George W., Crawford, Texas, Thursday, August 9, 2001. Stem cell research speech.) His policy restricted the government funding of stem cells. These are utility cells with the potential to develop into various cell types throughout the body. They play an important role in the maintenance and reparation of the body. They can divide without limit to replenish other cells as long as the person is alive. Stem cells have unlimited potential when it comes to curing diseases such as cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and, Arthritis. The only problem is that getting stem cell requires the destruction of a human embryo. This issue creates a moral dilemma between the duty to alleviate the suffering of others versus the duty to respect the value of human life. What decides which moral…
As research continues to uncover new disease-causing mutations, the prospect of stopping the transmission of heritable diseases increases. With the use of modern technology, expecting parents can now be prescreened in order to determine their carrier status for certain diseases. Parents who choose to use in vitro fertilization are able to choose embryos that are free of disease due to preimplantation genetic diagnosis. Additionally, parents can be provided with information on their unborn child with the use of prenatal genetic testing. Some individuals view modern genetic technology as eugenic; however, this biggest difference between eugenics now and eugenics during the 1900s is consent. Today individuals pursue genetic testing by choice and policies on ethics and consent prevent reoccurrences of the immoral endeavors within the field of…
From a scientist’s point of view, embryonic stem cells have a huge potential to revolutionize the field of regenerative medicine and tissue engineering as they hold the ability to produce all cell lineages including the germ line. This would provide the gateway for the treatment of a wide range of diseases where the body is incapable of repairing itself. However, some people especially religious communities hold strong objections regarding the use of human embryos in scientific research (De Wert, 2003) (Orive, 2003). The main point being that since “new life begins at the point of conception”, the embryo should hold full human rights (Daley, G.Q. et al., 2007). Nevertheless, there are different legislations in place in different countries regarding the use of human embryonic stem cells. In UK, embryonic stem cell research can only be carried out with authority from the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority…
Mills’ (2011) Futures of Reproduction:Bioethics and Biopolitics and Mol’s (2008) The Logic of Care: Health and the Problem of Patient Choice both argued ethics. In Mills’ book she approached to ethics was from more of a technological stand point. Mills discussed in details how preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) influences medical decisions. However, Mol approached ethics from a patient standpoint. Mol discussed how the logic of care begins with the collectives with patients (p. 58). Mol believes that this is the best way to care for patients, rather than treating factors and circumstances as separate entities.…
There is an ethical difference between screening embryos for deadly conditions and screening them for treatable conditions. While I believe that every child has a right to live, I also believe that if you could prevent a child from having to suffer then you should. Screening an embryo for a deadly condition is saving that child from a lot of pain and suffering. They would most likely had a life filled with pain and unhappiness. No child should have to go through treatments or be on life support at a young age so if there is a way to prevent that then I think it should be done. Screening for treatable conditions on the other hand is very different. If the child still has a chance at a painless, happy life then that child should have that chance. Having to take a pill or two a day is not something that should stop a child from being born. Even things that require a little more like surgery should not stop the child from being born. For example, my brother was born with a…
If there is enough support, some people may try to advance to reproductive cloning which creates a human genetically exact to its DNA donor. Many people that believe that human life begins at conception view this as profoundly wrong (Driscoll, Sally, & Ann). This could potentially add to the already raging fire that is political debate. This would become another topic of dispute among politicians and give voters one more thing to worry about in their choices. In order to avoid this, it is probably best to keep reproductive cloning illegal until further research can be done to find the medical benefits of this…