The buffer section of this lab was used to stabilize the level of pH using 4 different types of samples. The pH levels of the …show more content…
Alka-Seltzer had the most drops of the acid, 0.1M HCl added to the antacids until it gave us a yellow color. This antacid had the most drops added was because when something becomes neutralized, this means that the sample is absorbing more hydrogen bonds and this is produced by the hydrochloric acid passed by the stomach. Based on these results, Alka-Seltzer would have to have a less dosage for the amount of antacid in a tablet since it neutralizes the most acid. For Rolaids and Tums to reach Alta-Seltzer, they would have to have a higher dosage to be able to neutralize the stomach. Based on other studies, least effective liquid antacids vary in acid-neutralizing capacity from 0.3 to 2.3 meq/mL of antacid. For an antacid liquid to be the most effective it varies from 3 to 4.2 …show more content…
During this experiment, the temperature of tubes 5 and 6 showed that the color changed throughout the 20 minute time period. The catechol oxidase has to be at a certain temperature for it to react well. But based on our data when we put it at room temperature the reaction takes longer. If the temperature is too cold then all it does is slow the reaction as well, but when it is exposed into extreme temperature we know that enzymes could be destroyed. For that same reason the only one that seemed to work well and do the reaction was the tube #6. Based on other studies, the results imply that evolution of the enzyme active site is likely to be constrained by its temperature-dependence. Manipulation of stability by mutation, whether naturally or by directed mutagenesis, may not allow activity at higher temperatures unless Teq is also raised; since the basis of Eact/Einact equilibration is at the active site, this may lead to changes in Km and/or kcat