Introduction to Programming
Professor Jeff Williams
Phase 2 Discussion Board
James Horton
January 18, 2015
Java was created in 1991 by James Gosling. He recruited a group of engineers to develop a new programming language targeting consumer devices. The language was given the name “Oak”. It was later discovered the original name had been taken by another company for their programming project which resulted in Oak being renamed to Java. The Java group developed a language that would share similar characteristics with C languages but fewer bugs, more versatility, hardware independence, and reduced development times. Java WORA (write once, run anywhere) feature means once an application is integrated with Java, it will run on any device and platform. The WORA capability is the most popular and well known feature Java has to offer. Java was created with great security features, for example, unsecure code can be downloaded and run securely without the potential to harm your device as the host system cannot become infected with malicious programs; this is possible because a Java program is not directly installed onto your device, but is executed by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) instead essentially acting as a filter. The benefits of using Java it support graphic user interfaces (GUI) via the Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT). AWT is the original GUI toolkit made for Java and introduced along with JDK. AWT provides support for graphics programming and working with IDE’s (Integrated Development Environment). IDE’s support the development of UI’s using drag and drop features to pull components from a toolbar and developing codes for the programmer. These features make creating GUI applications easier for the programmer utilizing the Java platform. Integrated Development Environment or IDE is simply programs to write programs. It is generally an editing program with tools to help programmers write code quickly and
References: The History of Java Technology. (n.d.). Retrieved from Oracle :