The phase-lock-loop (PLL) is commonly used in microprocessors to generate a clock at high frequency (Fout=2GHz for example) from an external clock at low frequency (Fref = 100MHz for example). The PLL is also used as a clock recovery circuit to generate a clock signal from a series of bits transmitted in serial without synchronization clock (Figure below). The PLL may also be found in frequency demodulation circuits, to transform a frequency varying waveform into a voltage.
The PLL uses a high frequency oscillator with varying speed, a counter, a phase detector and a filter (figure below). The PLL includes a feedback loop which aligns the output clock ClkOut to the input clock ClkIn through a phase locking stabilization process. When locked, the high input frequency fout is exactly N. ƒin. A variation of the input frequency ƒin is transformed by the phase detector into a pulse signal, which is converted into variation of the analog signal Vc. This signal changes the VCO frequency, which is divided by the counter and changes clkDiv according to ƒin.
Circuit Diagram
Circuit Description
This circuit will function accurately over a 10:1 frequency range from 1 kHz to 10 kHz with the use of the CD4046 frequency detector. When an FIN edge occurs ahead of a F feedback pulse, pin 13 of the CD4046 pulls up on C1 via R1 = 1 kW. This current cannot be controlled or manipulated over as wide a range as “I1” in basic wide range phase locked loop (PLL). As a consequence, the response of this PLL is neither as smooth nor fast-settling as the basic PLL, but it is still better behaved than most F-to-V converters. Show a picture schematic:
Q1 = 2N3565 OR 2N3904 HIGH BETA NPN
A1, A2, A3 = 1/4 LM324
ON CD4046, PINS 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12 ARE NO CONNECTION
VS = 7 TO 15 VDC
As with the basic PLL, the detector feeds a current to be integrated in C1 (and R2