Group: Thant Sin Naing, Myat Thu Khine, Yu Thwe Phyo, Kaung Myat Win, Aye Mon Khaing, Ywet Nu Wai Hlaing
Situation Analysis: Being a specialist in the clean up of two waste streams: the remediation of soil contaminated with persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and recovering usable oil from industrial sludge using Thermal Phase Separation (TPS) technology in North America, PS2 attracted State Environmental Protection Agency of China in early 2008.
Internationally proven world class TPS technology
Management is familiar with international markets
Extract up to 90 % of oil from industrial sludge
No harmful air emissions
Mobile, onsite remedial technology
Modular design, easily deployed, avoid transportation cost
Reusable, resalable contaminants
Own fuel source generation to fire the system
Fewer greenhouse gas emissions
Still in immaturity stage
Insufficient employees
No Guarantee that JV will work
Low capacity (20,000 tons)
Not in a good locations compared to its competitor
Limited paten lifetime (will expire in 2019)
High entry barrier
New regulations for soil treatment market in Canada
Deadlines for ending the use and long-term storage PCBs result in strong demand for PS2’s TPS technology
Exclusive rights to use TPS in Canada & US in 2002 & in China in 2009
Environmental pollution became big issue in China
Exclusive rights to use the technology in China
Importation of waste containing POPs from province to province was banned in China
If JV works, can explore consulting services and other technologies to other parts of China.
PCB market declining in North America
Renewing contracts could be affected by the economic climate of the day
Increased in potential competitors adopting the TPS technology after 2019 when TPS will expire
US banned transporting of PCB contaminated soil from US to Canada
Competitive intensity in China Industry
Harder for PS2 to gain