What is Philosophy? Philo- means love and Sophia means wisdom. So what does philosophy mean? Philosophy can mean many things. It could be the freedom to reflect the ideas behind the force of question such as to what is life. Who is god? Who am I? etc. Philosophy could be a person’s beliefs. Philosophy dates back a long time. It started with Plato talking about platonic forms, moving onto Socrates who used analogies. To me philosophy is a way of thinking, believing, and understanding. It could begin with learning how to interpret things and explore their meanings so that they make sense. I feel that a person’s philosophy can help them when making judgments. One can learn and understand insights to a subject or a dilemma. It can help with their formation of thoughts and ideas. Philosophy is not just about the facts. The facts are put together to make something significant. The facts don’t necessarily make up a person’s way of thinking either. A way of thinking is based on what is seen and heard in the world around the viewer. When it comes to a person’s thinking, the study of philosophy could help with abstract thinking, clarity and order. It could produce a study of oneself through questions, not answers. People could understand the reasoning behind things and they can discover different kinds of thinking. Philosophy is defined as: the pursuit of wisdom; a search for a general understanding of values and reality by chiefly speculative rather than observational means. This is the written definition of philosophy, but I think philosophy can’t be defined to just words. It’s more than words. Philosophy to me is an attempt to understand the world. To understand philosophy one must not look for a solid definition. It is easier to understand it if one is actually doing it. Why don’t you try it now take the ever so popular phrase “to be or not to be.” One thing can’t be and not be at the same