There are two different purposes of air quality management. One is to achieve and maintain such levels of air quality to protect the health of the public. Second is to prevent damage to plant and animal life and property, and to encourage social and economic development in the country.
Chapter I Standards
Section 3. Ambient Air Quality Standards. There shall be established ambient air quality standards which shall prescribe the maximum concentration of air pollutants permissible in the atmosphere consistent with public health, safety and general welfare.
In the establishment of ambient air quality standards, factors such as local atmospheric conditions, location and land use, and available technology, shall be considered among others.
Section 4. National Emission Standards. There shall be established national emission standards for new and existing stationary and mobile sources of pollution which shall consider among others such factors as type of industry, practicable control technology available, location and land use, and the nature of pollutants emitted.
Section 5. Community Noise Standards. Appropriate standards for community noise levels shall be established considering, among others, location, zoning and land use classification.
Section 6. Standards for Noise-Producing Equipment. There shall be established a standard for noise producing equipment such as construction equipment, transportation equipment, stationary engines, and electrical or electronic equipment and such similar equipment or contrivances. The standards shall set a limit on the acceptable level of noise emitted from a given equipment for the protection of public health and welfare, considering among others, the magnitude and condition of use, the degree of noise reduction achievable through the application of best available technology and the cost of compliance.
The Installation of any noise-producing equipment