Many researchers believe that academic preparation is critical to college enrollment. Researchers (Alexander, Cook, & McDill, 1978: Hossler, Braxton, & Coopersmith, 1989; Manski & Wise, 1983; St. John, 1991; Hossler et al., 1999; Perna, 2000a; Cabrera, La Nasa & Burkam, 2001) believe that “academic preparation and achievement are important predictors of both propositions towards, or interest in, attending college and actual college enrollment” (p.115). The staff of College Connection is aware of the critical factors of academic success, and they are effectively addressing this issue by providing academic enrichment services. Students participate in weekly after-school classes, summer academic programs on college campuses and sat preparation classes. I believe it is important to expose students physically to campus. Students are more acquainted with the resources by attending classes on campus during their summer …show more content…
Equally vital to the research of college preparation, I was able to interact with high school students during their after school program trying to make sense of the literature that I was exposed to over the course of the semester. Literature fails to include ethnographies and stories of students experiences. The staff of Philadelphia Future is fixing everything that should have been addressed in high school. Many of the speakers who visited our class throughout the semester expressed similar frustrations. These issues (grades, income, ethnicity/race) that affect students are systemic issues. Treating students as scholars uplift their spirits. Nonetheless, many of the students were excited to transition to college. They shared goals and the importance of managing their health and wellness. Philadelphia Futures provides students the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities offering students a richer educational