His decision to make Duke of Medina Sidonia in charge of the fleet was very questionable especially since he had never been to sea before. Philip II had ideas about how the English would attack from distance and he warned Santa Cruz and then the Duke of Medina Sidonia that the English would use this strategy (Geoffrey Parker, Why the Armada Failed). Instead of devising a strategy that would help the Armada avoid these pitfalls, he chose a strategy that made the fleet a sitting target to precisely the kind of tactics he worried about (Geoffrey Parker, Why the Armada Failed). Philip II also did not meet with his senior commanders to hear their opinions on the plans that were about to doom the Armada. (Geoffrey Parker, Why the Armada Failed). Philip II had made every decision on his own and ultimately the defeat of the armada was his fault.…
Spain was experiencing their Golden Age in the sixteenth century because of their exploration of South America that opened doors for trading and allies. This trade (that included gold) gave their economy budget a boost. However, they were seriously defeated after the English raided their ships. As we know, the Spanish Armada defeat was one of the most tragic defeats in Spanish history under Philip II’s rule. This defeat hurt their economy even more and nearly all their power was gone, until the Treaty of Pyrenees officially gave up Spanish power to…
In 1516, Charles V became king of Spain and its colonies in the Americas. Charles V was not always called Charles V when he first was king of Spain he was known as Charles I. he changed his name after his other grandfather died and he became the heir to the sprawling Hapsburg Empire which included the Holy Roman Empire and the Netherlands. Therefore, after all was said and done Charles V had control of almost all of South America, Spain, Germany, and the Netherlands one of the biggest empires ever! Because Charles had a huge empire, he was involved in constant warfare. He fought to suppress Protestantism in the Germanic states, but after years of fighting, he was forced to allow German princes to choose their own religion. Charles also faced the Muslim Ottoman Empire, which caused major defeats for Spain. Charles V gave up his titles and retired on 1556. He split up his lands between two of his brothers.…
In the years of Philip's ruling, he successfully maintained legitimacy. He did this through winning coalition, divine right, and elitist. Philip was the wealthiest man of Spain. He could afford concessions to make the people happy. In return, they gave him legitimacy. He was also a…
Oppositely, Phillip and Fredrick William disagreed on foreign policies. During Phillip’s reign, Spain was known as “the Empire on which the sun never sets,” for it became so large through his expansionist mindset. Philip II created military campaigns to defend Catholic Europe, for example his 1588 failed invasion of Protestant England. In contrast, Fredrick held a large European army, yet had little to no military campaigns throughout his ruling. Domestic matters concerned him more than foreign, such as agriculture and primary schools to benefit his nation in the long run. He looked upon the manual of Regulations for State Officials with great…
This was also the start to a great conquest that eventually lead to Spain having one of the most powerful empires in the history of the world. His conquest also spread the idea of Christianity. The spread of Christianity actually wasn’t a choice for the Natives, the Spanish forced them to convert. All the gold and riches sent back home to Spain helped finance the country. The monarchs used the wealth (gained from Mexico) to fight many religious wars, including the big invasion from England in which they used the Spanish Armada to fend them off.…
His empire went across the world and used it aggressively. When the pope wanted to stop the Muslims of Ottoman in 1571 Phillip sent his army like a true crusader. His army was huge 50,000 solders. Thanks to all the gold and silver brought to Phillip he could afford such a powerful army. Phillip inherited Spain, the Spanish Netherlands and the American colonies from his dad…
The Spanish nobles at the time did not wish to have Henry as their king and preferred my younger brother Alfonso. Unfortunately, Alfonso died during our teen years and never became king. Eventually, I was declared Queen of Castile after a long journey including arranged marriages by my brother, war with Portugal and a peace treaty. After countless attempts on both parts to find one another, I married my husband Ferdinand at the age of 18. Ferdinand was the king of Aragon…
The Spanish King Phillip II also took advantage of the situation in Europe for the gain of himself and his advisors. The section of the Dutch Declaration of Independence presented in Document 9 speaks at length about how Phillip would, “tyrannize at pleasure,” the Low Countries, primarily the Netherlands, while supposedly attempting to quash Protestantism. Instead, it seems, he violently subjugated the Dutch so that he could increase his own, “reputation and grandeur,” all the while allowing those close to him to have positions in, “the richest abbeys,” making a mockery of the supposedly sacred duties of bishops. The Declaration also plainly states that this was all done under, “the mask of religion.” In addition to his violence in the Netherlands, Phillip also tried to use his religion to fulfil his agenda against England. As Pope Pius said in a letter to the Guises, he supports, “all such means as shall be deemed necessary,” to reclaim England and save it from being, “oppressed by the heretics.” Even though the Pope intended to do this by supporting Mary, Queen of Scots, he still allowed Phillip to attempt to invade England after Mary’s execution, especially after Elizabeth started overtly supporting the Protestant rebellions in the…
Juan Ponce de Leon was born around 1460 in San Tervas de Campos, Spain. He was the first Spanish explorer to arrive in Florida. In 1493, Ponce de Leon and Christopher Columbus sailed together on Columbus’ 2nd voyage to America. They had settled on an island named Hispaniola, which is present day Dominican Republic, where Ponce de Leon had become governor at. In 1506, he had discovered an island close by named Borinquen, and during his time here, he found lots of gold. Once he made this discovery and took most of it, he left the island of Borinquen. In 1508, he was ordered by the king of Spain to return to Borinquen to colonize it. Later on, he had renamed this island Puerto Rico. He became the island’s governor for two years until he was replaced with Columbus’s son by the king.…
Louis the XIV was king of France from 1693 to 1715. He was an example of how to rule for many of the political leaders of the 18th century. An absolute ruler is defined by seven traits. Pacify and subjugate nobles, and centralize power around oneself. Another is to make both money and war. Dominate culture, make religion and finally build something worthy of your glory. Two Enlightened despots that took after Louis were Joseph II of Austria and Peter the Great, Czar of Russia. Both rulers had enlightened and despotic characteristics. Yet Joseph was more Enlightened and Peter more despotic. Both characteristics were important to have a strong nation, but as Peter exemplifies having more despotic characteristics helps a ruler maintain power and strengthen the nation, more so then enlightened ones. Joseph II takes full power in 1780 after his mother Maria Theresa dies, instantly he begins to institute many enlightened ideas. Joseph is radical and makes many changes to long withstanding traditions in Austrian society and government. First, he grants religious freedom and cuts off communication between his state clergy and Rome. Though Austria had always been staunchly Catholic, now a person of any religion could practice it freely. This is a very enlightened idea much before its time. Also, it was one of his only major changes which were kept after his reign ended. This was how Joseph II fits under the trait of making religion work for you; he actually tried to make it work for everyone. Another enlightened reform he implemented was a universal law code in which all Austrians have to follow the same rules and suffer the same punishments. He eliminates noble privileges, in matters like taxation, and crimes. This reform angered the nobility and almost put the nation in crisis. But it was one last reform which set off a spark of rebellion. Joseph II outlawed serfdom, he freed millions of peasants. They were free to go wherever, and choose…
King Philip II of Spain was murdered, but by who? With a sum of at least 20 suspects that would have strong reasoning to kill him, who did it? He was found poisoned in bed early one morning, his murderer escaped his castle never to be found. However, upon further investigation, 10 highly interesting clues were found in a burlap sack stuffed behind a statue of the Virgin and Child. Those clues consisted of: A map from Orelius’ Typus Orbus Terrarum, keys to manacles, silver coins, potatoes, Las Casas’ Apologetic History, Elizabeth I’s speech at Tilbury, a Holy Bible in Dutch, Columbus’ Journal, Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises, and a note saying, “It’s working, my friends…”.…
Springfield and King Of Prussia are both malls in pennsylvania but they are different in many ways.…
families. He was kind hearted as a kid and soon became known as Philip the…
The dominant theme of Edward II is the theme of many of Marlowe's (and Shakespeare's) histories: the will to power and ultimately, the corruption inherent in power. Edward isn't murdered because of his affection for Gaveston. Rather, it is because in bestowing such extravagant favors on Gaveston, a commoner, he is subverting the ‘natural’ order of his position, neglecting both his kingdom and his family. He comes to realize that Gaveston wrongs him and he confesses in Act V,Scene III-…