NOVEMBER 20 2013
PHILIPPINEAMERICAN WAR 18991902 The United States declared war with Spain in 1898 to support Cuba with their struggles from Spanish control. The United States sent out a fleet to the Philippines to defeat the Spanish navy and this battle was known as the “Battle of Manila Bay”. The Spanish navy was defeated and the Filipino’s had the impression that they were liberated, free to rule their own country.
However, the outcome of the SpanishAmerican War resulted in the signing of the Treaty of
Paris. This agreement not only surrendered control for Cuba but also ceded Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines to the United States. The continued presence of the American forces had implied to the Filipino’s that they were still there to take sovereignty over the country. On
February 4, 1899, the AmericanPhilippine War began.
On January 23, 1899, the Filipinos proclaimed an independent republic and elected longtime nationalist Emilio Aguinaldo president.1 Since then, he organized a filipino revolutionary government and sent out resistance throughout the country. Thinking strategically,
President McKinley along with others believed that the Philippines is too important to the U.S. to allow Filipino’s to govern themselves. President McKinley declared his intention to "educate the
Filipinos, and uplift and civilize and Christianize them," and mobilized 20,000 U.S. troops to get the job done.2 Although there were forces there already, this war required more effort and lasted longer than the Americans anticipated.
The war was fought in two phases. President Aguinaldo dominated this phase with illfated attempts to fight a conventional war against the bettertrained and equipped American
Office of the Historian. 2010. “PhilippineAmerican War,
Bibliography: Office of the Historian. 2010. “PhilippineAmerican War, 1899–1902.” Accessed on November 20, American Experience. 2009. “War in the Philippines.” Accessed on November 20, 2013 Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History. 2013. “PhilippineAmerican War.” Accessed on Churchill, Bernadita. 2011. “PhilippineAmerican War.” Accessed on November 20 2013.