Thesis statement:
Due to an intellectual hunger that needs to be fed, Philippine independent films tackle real life sensitive issues that the society experience while mainstream movies offer the mass market escapist entertainment which divert away from reality.
Tentative sentence outline:
I. On making films that either feeds intellectual hunger or satisfies escapist entertainment lies a very curious and questioning fascination of how Filipinos and the human beings in general relate to each other and to the world.
II. Film has evolved to become the most popular of all the art forms in the Philippines.
A. Early filmmaking depicted nationalistic themes.
B. The Japanese Occupation introduced wartime films and brought the consciousness of reality.
C. 50s was considered “Golden Age” for the Filipino film.
D. Decline of the Philippine film was experienced in the 60s.
E. Filmmaking was regulated during the Martial Law.
F. Alternative filmmaking flourished.
III. The Philippine cinema industry is currently struggling.
A. Contemporary films are becoming too profit-oriented.
B. Continuous showing of foreign movies contributed to lower standards of Philippine Cinema.
C. Piracy loses the cinema’s royalty.
D. Genres that have been used for the past few decades are being recycled.
IV. Mainstream movies portray escapist culture.
A. Mass market is looking for forms of escape from poverty and politics.
B. Massacre movies, teen-oriented romantic-comedies and anatomy-baring sex flicks are popular topics of movies.
C. With it’s purpose on high profitability, mainstream movies reap the benefits of top-notch technology.
D. Filipinos watch film to support their favorite celebrity.
V. Why do mainstream movie makers focus on escapist