Mendoza, A. Pol sci 11 MHG. October 2013.
Corruption, inefficiency and politicization are the common characters of the Philippine military and police in status quo. The emerging issues and concerns regarding the military and police are what make them be labelled as weak, corrupt, and insensitive by Filipinos.
Soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) have been demoralised and have done inefficient work on establishing peace and order as they experience lamentable economic condition. Videos have gone viral on social networking sites showing their pitiful condition. In an article by Philippine Star columnist Alex Magno, he discussed the indecisiveness of the Aquino government from the Luneta fiasco that resulted in the deaths of eight Hong Kong tourists up to the fighting in Zamboanga… and why until now, President Aquino didn’t bother to declare Zamboanga in a state of emergency when that was the right thing to do (
“Although it did not occur to the President to ask why, after all these years, the AFP did not have standard combat rations. At about the time he was distributing phone cards to the troops, we saw video clips of soldiers at the frontline eating rice from banana leaves and basically subsisting on boiled eggs donated by residents,” said Magno.
According to Magno, the Aquino administration should focus on buying modern instruments like new naval vessels, guns or aircraft which AFP needs for long years. However, food for the soldiers must not be set aside, especially those soldiers in combat situation. “An army marches on its stomach,” as quoted by Napoleon Bonaparte. In a combat zone, food in the stomach of soldiers is the weapon that should not be forgotten.
Video clips on social networking sites showing military soldiers in Zamboanga eating at the middle of the battle is a big evidence on the administration’s neglect of the soldiers’ welfare. Hunger is felt by the force,
References: Abinales, P.N. The August 28 Coup: The Possibilities and Limits of the Military Imagination. Kasarinlan Vol.3,No.2. 1987. Retrieved at Avila, B. Give the Filipino soldier better food! September 19, 2013. Retrieved at Crisostomo, S. ‘Cory general’ to seek reforms in AFP, PNP. April 28, 2013. Retrieved at Disgruntled Forces Surface, say ‘Crucial Decision’ Made. September 12, 2013. Retrieved at of Allocations. 2013. Retrieved at Kwok, A. PNP admits logistics problems; seeks LGU backing for transformation program. March 11, 2009. Retrieved at Romero, A. PNP most corrupt agency—survey. July 11, 2013. Retrieved at