
Philosopher's Stone Thesis

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Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by JK Rowling, offers readers a glimpse into the life of a neglected eleven-year-old orphan; discovering his magical capabilities and coming to terms with his surreptitious life. Harry Potter, the boy who lived, is nothing short of extraordinary in most wizards’ eyes; however, throughout the novel Harry struggles to accept his notoriety. The narrative presented is both a quest, an action-packed journey retrieving the Philosopher’s stone and facing Voldemort, and a rite of passage narrative, in which Harry questions his place in the wizarding world while dealing with expectations set out for him. Rowling uses such narratives to present Harry as a humble, brave, and caring protagonist who overcomes great adversity with the choices he makes. …show more content…

Leaving his old life behind and attending Hogwarts allows Harry to begin his journey of self-discovery and form his ever-curious mind. Learning about his connection to Voldemort’s wand, Ollivander exclaims “we must expect great thing from you… after all He Who Must Not Be Named did great things…” (Philosopher’s Stone 65), insinuating one of many high expectations the wizarding world has for him. Harry later confesses to Hagrid his frustration, saying “everyone thinks I'm special . . . but I don't know anything about magic at all…I can't even remember what I'm famous for” (Sorcerer's Stone 86). Indeed, the friends he makes have already been exposed to magic, Ron having grown up with it and Hermione having read all there is to know. Yet, people think so highly of Harry and he is wanting to prove himself

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