Frankenstein is novel written by Mary in 1818 in a Gothic, horror genre; the novel is about a man called Victor Frankenstein who becomes obsessed with making life. Some people believe that was giving a social message about parenting and the failure of adults to protect their ‘child ‘. This is true in Frankenstein’s case because if he had fulfilled his duties of caring for the monster it wouldn’t have behaved in the manner that he did and seek his revenge on his creator.…
The concept of ‘The Blonde’ has been ever changing over time and across different contexts. Meanings and cultural ideologies associated with blondeness have shifted due to the change in context at varying points of time. Blondeness has been represented and viewed differently from one culture to another where the context and values play a crucial role in these representations. In the movie, “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes”, Marilyn Monroe is portrayed as the archetypal blonde bombshell that uses her sexuality to appeal to rich men and hence portraying her as a ‘gold-digger’. The other text in which the ‘Blonde’ concept is portrayed in a different culture is Boticelli’s painting “The Birth of Venus”. It incorporates values from Greek Mythology as well as the context in which it was composed that is the Renaissance period specifically in 1485. The shaping of dominant meanings associated with being blonde is implied differently through the L’OREAL Blonde hair dye commercial as it shows how values and ideologies connected with blondeness have emerged in contemporary Western culture.…
Frankenstein is a novel book in which the mistake of Victor leads to the death of his loved ones. A scientist decides to interfere in the plans of nature and nature represented by the creature severely punishes him for that. Only “God” should take responsibility of creating a human form of life. Victor and the monster both die.…
The Marxist lens is used to examine how socioeconomic factors influence the plot, setting, reader, author, and time period of a certain subject. The Marxist lens is based on socialist and dialectic theories. Marxists believe that literature itself is social institution and has a specific ideological function. Marx said that human history can be studied best by observing how the lower class interacts with the higher class. One of the most obvious observations that can be made through the Marxist lens about Frankenstein is the motivation behind the creation of the…
The feeling of loneliness leads people to feel miserable. In the story Frankenstein, written by Mary Shelley, there are many factors which cause the characters to feel miserable and lonely. The primary theme of Frankenstein is loneliness, and Shelley clearly communicates this theme by using characterization, symbolism, and setting to convey this theme to the reader.…
The characters John, from Brave New World, and the monster, from Frankenstein, both have very similar backgrounds. In both novels, the characters are treated very poorly in the societies they live in, and are considered outcasts. However, these characters also have some major differences. John and the monster both struggle with rejection but they differ in that John was given more control of his situation.…
Mind control is generally thought of to be very explicit; usually with a director telling their victim exactly what to do regardless of what the victim wants. However, there are more forms of mind control other than the common overtaking scenario. The two father/creator figures in Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein and Chaim Potok’s The Chosen are affecting their children subconsciously. They are both raising their children with little to no verbal or physical influence, which affects different results on both creations. The differing outputs of similar inputs shown in the two novels testifies that controlling another being is a risky project that can either shatter the being’s soul or develop it to the point of moral success.…
Isolation, Love, and Creation: proven in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein are human necessities to motivate one to reach their nirvana of happiness. Mary Shelley discusses many important themes in her famous novel Frankenstein. She presents these themes through the characters and their actions, and many of them represent occurrences from her own life. Many of the themes present issues along with Shelley's thoughts on them.…
Today’s society is known as the “Era of Color Blindness.” The war on drugs from the past to the future has not changed according to Michelle Alexander. The previous Jim Crowe law may be eradicated, but the law was brought back into effect by former president Ronald Reagan, known as the “War on Drugs.” The war on drugs that was put into effect by Ronald Reagan was targeted to lower class communities that had a violent crime rate. Focusing on the “Drug War” took light off a pressing issue known as racial caste in America by making harsher punishments for people who used or sold drugs. Even though the focus was in lower class communities it was also just as common in the middle to upper class communities. The “War on Drugs”…
The human mind is something scientists have been trying to comprehend forever. Science can not alter how the mind communicates with one’s body, or even how it works. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein uses the creation of a fake being to emphasize the fact that the human mind cannot be altered or replicated effectively. Dr. Frankenstein thought he would be able to create and control the mind of a creature. He had tried many times, but to no avail. After talking with a professor, he finally figured out a way that he would be able to complete what he had been trying to for years. But does Frankenstein pass that natural boundary placed before us by our peers? To create life, a being with its own mind, had never been done before. What are the consequences of his actions and was it truly worth it to go beyond those limits?…
Victor Frankenstein and the Creature appear to be completely different people. But their personalities it stands out that they are a mirror image of each other. The creature and Victor both share a strong love of knowledge but they can’t control their obsession with it so it often results in tragedy. Victor became obsessed with the science and creation of life. The Creature on the other hand became obsessed with humans. The creature observed a poor family that lived in a cottage and became obsessed with learning about them. The creature approaches the family trying to make friends and gets ran off for his looks and he learns that humans are quick to judge. The creature begins to grow a hate for humans because he realizes that he will never…
Mary Shelley’s science fiction novel, Frankenstein, is a Gothic horror story that captures reader’s attention leaving them with questions of their own morals and of the main characters. The novel arouses questions like, who should be allowed to create life? Is it right to kill for a greater good? Are some secrets best untold? These are all questions of morality and individuals will come up with their own opinions and answers based on their upbringing. In Frankenstein, main characters Victor Frankenstein and ‘The Monster’ are morally put to the test with decisions that will greatly affect their lives. In the end many readers find themselves wondering who are the antagonist and protagonist of the novel; Did Victor do wrong by creating The Monster, or did the Monster do wrong by killing innocent people? In this case both made morally bad decisions but in the end one decision had more of a lasting impact. The Monster’s quest of killing is only justified due to the fact that he was hunting his creator.…
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is a prime example of “learn from past mistakes and experiences of others and yourself”. The characters learned several lessons, whether they be from themselves or another character. The monster learned from himself, the monster learned from the cottagers, Captain Walton learned from Frankenstein, and Frankenstein learned from himself.…
Bullying and cyberbullying are both forms of peer abuse, but cyberbullying has the potential to be much more dangerous. Bullying has always been a nuisance, but cyberbullying is going to be an important global issue for a long time to come. With the rise of the internet, message boards, social networking sites, and online gaming, cyberbullying is going to continue to increase. This essay will discuss the similarities and differences between the two forms of bullying, and why there is cause for concern regarding this issue.…
After a certain period of time passes, the creature mentions his strong desire for love. He eventually approaches the cottagers he was watching and the only person home was the blind father. The blind man accepts him into his house and displays a glimpse of love to the monster.…