One of Al-Kindi’s reasoning for attributing Yahya’s treatise on the unity and trinity of vb the unity of God. Griffith explains how Yahya firmly asserts that “ God is said to be ‘one’ in number in reference to his ‘substance, while in reference to his ‘quiddity’ or whatness’, which, according to Yahya, is essentially described as being ‘generous/good, ‘wise’, and ‘powereful’, he is ‘three’”4
In comparison with Griffith’s article, Emilio Pratti critiques how Yahya refutes to Al-Kindi’s attribution on treatise on the unity. Pratti believed that “To al Kindi, he underlies that the Christians say on the one hand, that the Creator is one, and that his quiddity is one, but they also say, on the other hand, that He is three, as far as He is good, wise and powerful..”5 Pratti stresses that this is not a contradiction because we can use “one” in the