SMC 1311
May 8, 2013
Final Exam 1) What is justice according to Plato? How does Plato’s theory of the soul reflect his understanding of justice?
Plato was a famous philosopher and a mathematician who lived from 429 to 374 B.C. Plato was the founder of The Academy of Athens and with the knowledge he gained from his professor, Socrates, he continued to spread his teachings to the youth. In the book, Republic, Plato defines justice as harmony with one self. If a person is content with themselves then everything around them should be at peace. If one is too busy worrying about other people’s business, then they aren’t being just to their human soul.
Plato’s theory of the soul correlates with his definition of what justice is because in order to have justice within one self the human soul must go through a process of three categories—reason, spirit, and desires. When every part of the soul is following what is right and doing what it is supposed to do, then just is being pursued. “But in truth justice was, as it seems, something of this sort; however, not with respect to a man’s minding his external business, but with respect to what is within, with respect to what truly concerns him and his own” (Plato, pg 123). Plato describes justice as to people need to worry about themselves and let others worry about themselves as well. Minding someone else’s business won’t bring justice to them. “He doesn’t let each part in him mind other people’s business or the three classes in the soul meddle with each other, but really sets his own house in good order and rules himself…” (Plato, pg 123).
The three categories that bring justice to the human soul must obtain 3 subcategories in order to fulfill what Plato’s theory of the soul really means. One has to have reason in order to obtain wisdom, spirit to obtain courage, and desire to obtain temperance. Plato uses his theory of the soul when he is describing the city. He gives one example for each category.