I believe the role of education is to guide and help students make their lives successful. Every student has a different mindset. As educators, teachers need to take in to consideration what really matters to their students and what will be most useful to them in their lives outside of school. Not only does a child need the educational basics: reading, writing, arithmetic, they also need problem-solving, meaningful knowledge to help prepare them for the unknown future. Knowledge is gained by experience. If a child can experience a lesson, rather than day dream past a lecture, then that student is more likely to hold on to that information. Teachers who base classroom activities on constructivism know that learning is active and that learners are not passive recipients of information. Students should not be viewed as mindless children waiting to be filled with information. Contributing to the class, by sharing knowledge with other students is something all students are capable of. This type of behavior of student interaction should be encouraged by teachers. As a teacher, I will provide students with experiences that relate with their lives outside of school as much as possible. My students will develop academic knowledge along with the social skills needed to be successful during their lives.
Knowledge based on reason, logical analysis, and experiences will have significant implications for my teaching. An effective teacher is one who uses multiple methods of teaching. Not all children learn the same, so teachers must keep in mind that there are auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learners in the class. Providing more than one way of learning will help students understand that there could be more than one way to a solution. I do not want my students spending their class time with worksheet after worksheet. Experience is the best teacher. Keeping this in mind, problem-solving and group activities are the methods I want to base my classroom lessons around. In my classroom, the focus will be on learning. My future classroom will be a structured environment. Being organized and having rules with consequences will keep students on track. Having a structured day to day routine to follow, the students will be sure of what is expected of them and be able to accomplish more.
A teacher’s role is to be a guide to students and help prepare them for the real world. Teachers should not only be a good example for students but also seek change to benefit students. Keep up with the changes in technology for students’ sake, because when they graduate and want get a job, knowing outdated information will be useless. I not only need to learn the new technology but also keep up with the continuously changing world. Choosing to pursue a career in teaching, I know that it is my responsibility to keep growing. Being a teacher requires continued education, and if teachers do not keep learning how should we expect the students to want to learn? I believe teachers can learn from their students. Children are filled with imagination and curiosity. I will allow and encourage my students to use their creative minds when in the classroom. I also think teachers can learn from fellow teachers. Sharing ideas with each other can give a teacher a new way of teaching a tired lesson. It is important as a teacher to recognize and reward student effort and achievement. When I start my teaching career I want to remember to reward my students as they put forth effort even if they might be incorrect, because I want them to continue to try their best. My goal as a teacher is to inspire a love of learning in my students.