Many years ago before the technological age teachers and students were accustom to using books to search for information, now it has become much easier for them to access information. With the aid of technology, they can gather information almost instantly, because the Internet allows them to gather information more rapidly, this gives teachers more time to incorporate more learning into their lessons.
Communication is very important, it allows for effective learning to takes place.
Technology tools allow students to communicate efficiently with others across the globe. Through email, chat rooms, discussion boards and other digital communication methods, students can exchange ideas and information with others. This use of communication allows for the development of an extensive community of learners all working towards the accomplishment of the same goals.
Students sometimes become bored, by just reading books, text and essays. Through technology, teachers can regain their interest by providing them with a technology-rich environment that will allow them to use technology to learn and produce creative and dynamic products, such as digital movies. This will help to pull their interest and get them more involve in classroom activities, which will both help students and teachers alike.
In concluding, the use of