PHI Tuesday/Thursday 9:30-10:45
Professor Meinzer
August 11, 2014
A Forgiving, Loving, and Patient God
There are many characteristics in describing the Christian Gods personality. God is similar to us—only in perfection. He is holy, fair, righteous, and impartial. He has feelings, can be jealous and angry, and always keeps his promises. Although, I believe God has three attributes that make him the merciful God that he is: loving, forgiving, and patient. These three characteristics are ultimately those that affect my life most. I sin daily, but God never holds it against me. He chooses to forgive me, and is patient in allowing me to do right. His love for me is never ending. Through Gods forgiveness, love, and patience, we see what an amazing God that he truly is.
The Christian God is a forgiving God. In order to be forgiven, as Christians, we must ask for forgiveness. No matter how great the sin, if you turn to God and repent, He will forgive you. In the bible it is written in Romans 3:23, “For all have sinned, and all fall short of the glory of God.” Nobody on this earth is righteous, and never sins. Without the forgiveness of sins, our lives would have no meaning. On judgment day God will say to those who chose not to obey or follow him, “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.” Because of Gods forgiveness we as sinners have a choice to follow God or to shut him out. If we choose to ask for forgiveness we will inherit the kingdom of Heaven, and those who disregard his will to forgive will endure eternity in hell. We are all sinners. God has a way for us, but we tend to want to do things our own way. God knows this, and He does not overlook it. He is always prepared to condemn people for there sins, but is willing to forgive us when we choose to begin a relationship with him. God sent his only son to die on the cross for our sins, He then rose from the dead and offers us forgiveness. We can see and understand this in