Nursing is able to take philosophy and the knowledge gained through clinical experience and increase our abilities as nurses. It allows us to develop better theories and increase the end results for our patients. McCurry (2006) states, "Science theories do not stand alone, but rather, validated theories, …show more content…
According to Kim (1999), "From the critical philosophy perspective, nursing practice is viewed as a form of social life in which different forms of domination, distortions and misunderstandings are possible." (p. 1207) Nursing theories need the critical thinking in the form of critical philosophy to help determine what in nursing practice may need to be changed to create better results. Kalofissudis (2007) discusses that science is bonded with philosophy due to generally and universally accepted truths which results in the formation of nursing science. Nursing is a discipline which is gained through experiences and education. Many nursing theorist have referenced the work of philosophers such as Aristotle. "According to Aristotle, human inquiry and behavior were considered to be guided by the end or goal, which is a particular good. (McCurry, 2006, p. 44). The goal in nursing is producing the best result for our patients. This is increased by the use of philosophy in nursing