Not Yet Able
Working Towards
Not Observed
Walk on a line with Balance
Walk on Tip-toes
Use one-handed tools and equipment
Balance on one leg for a few seconds
Hop on one foot
Bend at the waist with knees extended to pick up an object
Show awareness of space of themselves and others
Can run without falling
Can turn a sharp corner when running Can throw a ball or object
Can catch a ball or object
Go backwards and sideways as well as forward
Jump of an object and land appropriately
Can kick a ball
Can ride a Tricycle expertly
Can swing
Avoid dangerous place and equipment
Go backwards and sideways as well as forward
Jump of an object and land appropriately
Can run up and down stairs, one foot per step
Gross Motor Skills – 5 years old
Not Yet Able
Working Towards
Not Observed
Walk on a line
Can balance on one leg for more than 10 seconds
Can balance on one foot with arms folded
Can hop 2-3m forwards on each foot
Can skip on both feet
Can skip on alternate feet
Can use Climbing Frame
Can grip strongly when climbing
Can throw a ball or object overhead
Can catch a bounced ball
Can kick a ball to a target
Can play ball games
Can use a slide
Can jump over or onto low object
Can move rhythmically to music
Interested in performing tricks like standing on head, performing dance steps
Can ride a bike with stabilizers
Can dig
Can jump over ropes
Fine Motor Skills – 4 years old
Not Yet Able
Working Towards
Not Observed
Can hold a pencil in a pincer grip
Good control of the use of pencil
Build a Tower with more than 10 Blocks
Bibliography: Bruce T., Meggitt C. (1999) Child Care and Educatio, Second Edition, Oxon: Hodder & Stoughton DSCF (2007) Practice Guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage Nottingham: DfES Lee C., (1997), The Growth and Development of Children, Longman, London Macleod-Brudenell, I., & Kay, J., (2008, 2nd Ed), Advanced Early Years, Heinemann, Harlow Meggitt, C., and Walker, J., (2004), An Introduction to Child Care and Education, Hodder & Stoughton Educational, Dubai Meggitt, C., (2008), Child Care and Education, Holder education, London Riddall- Leech S Sharman C., Cross W. and Vennis D., (1997) Observing Children A Practical Guide London: Cassell Sheila Riddall-Leech (2008, 2nd Ed) How to Observe Children, Pearson Publ Oxford Heinemann Sheridan M. D. (2005) From Birth To Five Years, Oxon: Routledge Walker, M., Beaver, M., Brewster, J., Neaum