Christina Hughes
HCS 212
March 9,2015
Elwanda Whitaker
Phelbotomy has made a lot of changes now with technology . According to an article that was written by anymous in the Clinical Labortatory Science Journal,”Phlebotomy is more accurately defined now as a bloodletting by incision of a vein or skin puncture for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.” Certified (ANOMYUS, 1999) I think these changes are great and are very helpful in performing veinpunctures on patients.
I am a certified phlebotomist and a registered medical assistant. When I was in college , in the medical assisting certification classes it was required to take phlebotomy and take the certification test. I passed the phlebotomy certification test and the class , December 2014. I already know that there is so many advances to this health care, there is now the winged infusion sets and the new vacutainer tubes. According to,”In the 1970’s for instance ,blood was taken from patients with simple syringes and put into test tubes for any analysis that was going to be conducted.In the mid 1980’s a large medical equipment company called Greiner Bio invented the first plastic evacuated blood collection tubes that are in general used in phlebotomy. Better needle design-needles have been progressively finer and more accurate in recent years. Greater visibility-a transparent hub in the needle provides what is known as flashback control.”
I chose these articles to read on a little bit more on phlebotomy , there was not much in my book; I had for my class and I had to memorize all the tube colors and how to draw within 11 weeks. I think working as a phlebotomist and studying much harder on it, will make me a better phlebotomist on it . These articles are very helpful reading or I consider them extra reading,since I have to keep my continuing education units up in my phlebotomy , or my certification will expire and I will have to
Cited: ANOMYUS. (1999). Phlebotomy. Clinical Labratory Science, 70. (Evoulution of Phlebotomy, n.d.) Phlebotomy and How it has changed