Use this worksheet to take notes about the articles you find when researching for Week 2 Assignment 1: University Library Search. Fill out each section of the tables for Article 1 and Article 2. You can also save a blank copy of this worksheet and use it to properly cite your sources when you write research papers for your future courses.
Article 1:
|Career Explored |Corporate Portfolio Management |
|Author |Michael Nippa,Ulrich Pidun,Harald Rubner |
|Year published | Nov 2011 |
|Title of article | Corporate Portfolio Management: Appraising Four Decades of Academic Research |
|Title of Publication/Journal/ | Academy of Management Perspectives |
|Magazine | |
|Volume/month of publication (if |Vol. 25 Issue 4 |
|available) | |
|Date you retrieved article from |3/12/2013 |
|database | |
|Summary of article |Few major corporations are single business entities; rather, they are organizations that |
| |target many product-market combinations. Although academia has shown great interest in |