Phonostylistic Analysis of the poem.
(‘A player in spring’ by Robert Frost)
In this poem lines written are performed in iambic tetrameter. There are four stanzas or we can say that it is a quatrain with four lines. For the English language, as well as for this verse, thanks to the reduction of endings and prevailing in the traditional words are monosyllabic, this characteristic of masculine rhyme. Wordsworth’s poem written masculine rhyme. Sound structure organizes alliteration (Cvс), for example, stands – still, pararyhme (CvC), for example, that-thrust, consonance (cvC), for example, bees-is. The vertical placement of poem written plain rhyme, but a plain rhyme (aabb,ccdd,eeff,gghh/ yyer,etss,ddll,eell) strays in the second and in the third stanza. It is a cross rhyme. It is due to the change of emotions – in it contains the main idea and feeling of the poem, which the author specifically allocated by replacing rhymes for the reader to notice and pay attention. There are many rich rhymes (here – year, will – fulfill, bird- heard). Robert Frost used the full diversity of the rhyme: exact and approximate (which are divided into assonances, consonances and dissonances). The extract rhyme, for example, love-above, bill - still. The approximate rhyme: assonances, for example, bees – trees; consonances, for example, white – night, here – year, bird – heard; dissonances, for example, day – away, will – fulfill. In the poem there is a sounding. In the first stanza there are ten phonemes [s]. In this context it inform about sad which should replace the pleasure that comes the spring (‘Oh, give us pleasure….and give us not to think so far away…..all simply in the springing of the year’). In the second and in the third stanzas there are six phonemes [p] that say about the main feeling these lines like ‘happy’. In the fourth stanza there are seven phonemes [l] and it signals about feeling like ‘love’, which is the main object of these lines (‘For this is love and nothing else is love’). The rhythm here is not sensible element external to the value. Rhythm is the bearer of values . Therefore rhythmic organization in this poem makes clear thoughts and emotions of the author and their structures. Symbols and emotions at Frost arranged in a specific order rhythm. For example, the word ‘pleasure’ is given in the first stanza in the firs line and the second time we meet it at the beginning of the second stanza. The word ‘happy’ we see in the second stanza in the second line, the second time in the third stanza in the first line. The word ‘love’ we meet two times in the fourth stanza in the first line. This suggests that each stanza it is meaning, it is key word, subject, and the words spill over into other senses, and the fourth stanza completes those feelings and unites them in love (1 stanza – pleasure -> 2-3 stanza – happy = 4 stanza – love). This poem evokes mixed emotions and feelings. It brings to head feelings such as love, happiness. The spring is time of year when nature blooms and soul with it. The author is very sensitively thought these signs and compares it with season. The rhythm of the poem helps to fully enjoy all the notes of spring.