Is true that freedom of speech is important and it is true that the advertising companies have the authority to edit the photos in whichever way they want. However, with authority comes responsibility; therefore the advertising companies have the responsibility to care for their readers health. Freedom of speech is important, but rather than the lives of our precious teenagers? Obviously they are determined enough to ignore the health and wellbeings of teenagers all over the world, for their own greed. They need to wake up and realise that while they are counting their profits, they are actually killing hundreds of millions of teenagers across the world.
After criminalizing photoshop of models and women in advertising, the self-worth of teenage girls and women would sky rocket. According to the Mental Health Foundation's report, "A Generation Under Stress," two in five girls felt worse about themselves after viewing images of models and celebrities in magazines. You’d be a liar to say that you can’t relate to this. Hinshaw, chair of the UC Berkeley psychology department and an expert on child and teenage