The effect of distance from the light source on the rate of photosynthesis was tested in this experiment. This was tested to find ways to accelerate the rate of photosynthesis. If plants are placed closer to a source of light, then their rate of photosynthesis will be higher because they are receiving more light.
Experimental Design: The independent variable is the distance of the beaker from the light source. Beaker #1 is six inches from the light source. Beaker #2 is nine inches from the light source. Beaker #3 is twelve inches from the light source. The dependent variable is the rate of photosynthesis (number of leaf disks floating). There are ten leaf …show more content…
Make sure that there are no problems with your lab that could affect the results before you turn on the light source, for example, a broken beaker or light source.
12. Make a table to record your results from the lab with.
Make the table 4 columns wide, mark the first column with “Time”. Mark the second column with “number of floating chads in beaker #1”. Mark the third column with “number of floating chads in beaker #2”. Mark the fourth column with “number of floating chads in beaker #3”.
Make the table 12 rows tall. The first row is already marked because of the previous step; on the row below that row, on the left mark it as “minute #1”. On the row below that, mark it as “minute #2”. On the next row, mark it as “minute #3”. Do this until you fill up the rows on the left, they should go to “minute 11”. The graph should look the same as the graph in the section of this report titled “Graphs/Data Tables”.
Acquire a writing utensil to record your results with
13. Once you have checked to make sure the lab is ready to begin, turn on the light source, and have a member of the lab testers start a …show more content…
The change that was made from the original test was the distance of each beaker from the light source. The data that was collected in part two of the lab was significantly different from the data that was collected in the lab of part 1. The labs had the same concept, and both proved that light has an impact on rate of photosynthesis, but the labs collected very different data. Future recommendations would be to do more than one trial, the experimenters only tested the lab once. Doing more than one trial would generate more data, which would all together make it more accurate. One more future recommendation would be to make the group of experimenters more organized. This way, instructions can be easily given, and they can be easy to follow. disorganization can lead to mistakes that can affect the results of the lab. After All, this lab should be tested with more organization and should be tested more than one time. The results from this lab seem to be accurate, but there is no way to tell if they are accurate because the group of experimenters that tested this lab only did one trial, giving the group nothing to compare results with; therefore the results are invalid. There are many possible flaws that may have affected the results that were