1888PressRelease - By telling the story of caring for her husband, Bert, as he struggled with Alzheimer's, Phyllis R. Brown offers tips and support for families who are walking the same path.
Providence, R.I. - Phyllis R. Brown understands what it means to live every day with a spouse who has Alzheimer's. After a courtship that began when she was just 17 and over 60 years of marriage, Brown discovered that her husband, Bert, was suffering from the disease and was determined to help him live out his days with dignity and love. The new edition of her book, Help Me! I'm Slipping, is a lovely memoir of her relationship with her husband, filled with tips that will give caregivers support and new ideas to use in their everyday lives.
Brown uses her story as a vehicle to help others. As a devoted wife and soul mate, she felt that it was her responsibility and privilege to ensure that she and Bert had amazing memories until the end. "What I want readers to know is that, while it is difficult, it is doable," said Brown. Throughout her book, Brown offers stories that culminate in her own learnings about Alzheimer's and Alzheimer's care. She advises caregivers to:
• Keep a good attitude. Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's can be nothing short of challenging. A positive attitude is paramount.
• Find something to enjoy each day. "We tried to enjoy something in each day, to find something to cherish," she writes, whether that meant taking a walk, going down to the cafe for lunch, or just sitting together quietly, enjoying each other's presence.
• Be aware of medication side effects. While there are many new medications that can help Alzheimer's patients, they don't come without risks. Know those risks and be on the lookout for signs they are occurring.
This poignant story is a wonderful way to share the journey with support groups